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Plan A: In person classes.


Plan B: Hybrid of in-person and virtual classes – Through the Dance-Pro software, video learning available.

Circumstances that would cause this plan to take action may include, but not limited to student or staff exposure to COVID-19.


Plan C: Virtual Only - circumstances that would cause this plan to take action may include, but not be limited to a student or staff testing positive for COVID-19.



What we will do:


There will not be any waiting area for spectators to begin the year.

Children 8 and above are asked to enter the studio alone.   

Children 7 and below can have one adult assist them into the front entrance and then must leave as child is ready.

There will be an investment in cleaning products and hourly cleaning of the floor, bathroom & high traffic areas. 

Masks are allowed to be worn at all times but are not mandatory if we can keep 6-foot distances. Please bring a mask.


Wilson Dance Co DPA and Safety Procedures:


Students should bring a face mask with them for every practice. If student has a cough, running nose or allergies we

may ask them to wear their mask as it is hard to know which way it may be.  


Strict Stay Home guidelines: Students and staff who are ill or exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 should not come to

class. Students and staff who have been exposed to a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 should follow

the CDC recommendations to stay home and monitor their health.  (Exposure is considered to be within 6 feet of a

diagnosed individual for longer than 15 minutes).


There will be no lobby open to start off the season. Drop students at the front door and pick up at the front door.  


Bring minimal items to the building, only bring dance bag, water bottle and coat.  


Social distancing areas are marked on the dance floor to remind dancers to stay apart. 


Sanitization station available to everyone.


Temperature checks as deemed necessary by staff. 


We will reinforce hand washing/sanitizing before and after each class.



Remember:  COVID-19 has a wide range of symptoms ranging from mild to sever may appear anywhere from 2 – 14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms may include: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  


Safe Studio Policy

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